Autopilotupdate Error Message During OOBE

If you are using Windows Autopilot and are using a custom image, you may run across an error that says Something Went Wrong with an error message that says Autopilotupdate (clearly not a very useful error).

Resolution: When sysprepping an image, there's a registry key (HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Provisioning\AutopilotPolicy) that gets removed when sysprep generalizes the image. This is a bug that has been fixed in the 7D release of 1903, so update your media if you haven't already. The current workaround is to add the registry key back, plus the AutopilotUpdateTimeout value within the key.

Steps to resolve for an offline image:

  1. md c:\temp\mount
  2. dism /mount-image /imagefile:"PathToWIMorFFU" /index:1 /mountdir:C:\temp\mount
  3. reg load HKLM\test c:\temp\mount\windows\system32\config\software
  4. REG.exe ADD HKLM\test\Software\Microsoft\Provisioning\AutopilotPolicy /V AutopilotUpdateTimeout /t REG_DWORD /d 0x493E0
  5. dism /unmount-image /mountdir:c:\temp\mount /commit

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