Richard Balsley

How to Manage Shared Devices in Windows 10

How to Manage Shared Devices in Windows 10 In my previous post on Configuring Windows 10 Devices to Wake and Update Outside of Class Time I discussed how we can manage shared devices with Windows 10 and wake and update those devices leveraging the new Shared PC Configuration Service Provider (CSP). In this new video, I repeat some of the benefits and methods of applying Shared PC, however I also dig into some of the internals of Shared PC, how to troubleshoot, and how to apply custom policy settings to make sure you are applying the recommended settings in either Intune, 3rd party MDM, or Windows Configuration Designer (WCD). Resources Powerpoint Deck from Presentation - Slide 18 contains the OMA URI settings you'll want to copy and paste into Intune Windows CSP reference How to Set Up a Shared or Guest PC
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